"So" the smiling angel said
"You think I'll let you in?
You can guarantee to me
that you are without sin?"
"Oh yes", I said with ready smile
"I've never hurt a fly and knew
that I would come straight here
as soon as I did die."
"I've never hated anyone
nor done a callous deed
I've not been lazy with God's gifts
and always did succeed.
I've never overfed myslef
and gave to Ethiopiaid,
I've never lusted after men
nor from my husband strayed.
But I can see you're not convinced
you think I'd lie to you,
St. Peter listen closely now
to what I propose to do -
so much for monogamy,
so much for being chaste,
I'll show you what a miracle is
then you can open up those gates"!
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