Sunday 10 April 2011

Lydbrook Water (10/30)

Achiever, focused as the Cyclops Eye,
racing onward, leaving all baggage behind,
burbling your story; punctuating with rocks and tree stumps.
No time for regrets as you spin and twirl
Onwards, onwards.

Sap green branches listen as they lean
towards your acned body, guiding you from land.
A cirrus streaked sky mocks its olive reflection.
Carelessly, mallards drink from your throat
showering drops of liquid rainbow onto their backs.
Onwards, onwards.

Rogue eddies nibble the edges of a fallen tree
as daredevil swans skate backwards enjoying
your momentary lack of concentration.
In the distance a mosaic of canoes dares to
ride on your back, digging into your dark depths
as you lift and circle them.
Onwards, ever onwards.

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